
Our first lab helped up build confidence working with Arduino and ended with us working towards Milestone 1. First, we experimented with blinking LED and the analog inputs of the Arduino supplied by a potentiometer. Later, we combined these functions to dim an LED using the potentiometer. Lastly, we began experimenting with servo functionality and built our first robot, affectionately nicknamed LeBron.

Internal Blink

We ran the original Blink.ino example on our connected Arduino board and were able to see the LED blinking. This code used the LED_BUILTIN pin on the board and toggled it on and off. This introduced us to basic Arduino mechanisms and program structure.

Modifying Blink Sketch

Changing the source code to control an external LED was quite quick. We connected the LED and 300 Ohm resistor in series with pin 7 and were able to demonstrate controlled blinking behvior using digitalWrite and a specific delay with delay.

Variable Voltage Using a Potentiometer

After replacing the LED on pin 7 with a potentiometer, we were again able to demostrate correct behavior and manipulate voltage by dialing the potentiometer CW and CCW. The changes in value from turning the potentiometer (read with analogRead are shown on the Serial monitor.

Using Variable Voltage to Dim LED

In this segment of the lab we linked our previous steps (lighting up an LED and reading an analog voltage from a potentiometer) using the map and constrain function. This was necessary because the digital value of the analog input has a range of 0 to 1023, but writing an analog value to the LED was based on a range of values from 0 to 255. Luckily, the functions we used already existed to scale the input value down the necessary output value.

The potentiometer reading controlled the brightness of the LED's light.

Controlling Servos Using Potentiometers

Now that we'd learned to control LEDs with a potentiometer, we made a leap to controlling servos using potentiometers. This required some knowledge of servo functionality: movement is controlled with a range of int values from 0 to 180, where 0 constitutes maximum speed rotation in one direction, 180 constitutes maximum speed rotation in the other direction, and 90 a stopped servo. This changed the parameters when using the map function. Additionally, where previously we'd use an analogWrite() function to output the mapped value, we instead used an existing Servo library to attach() and write() to the Servo objects we defined at the top of our code.

Building a Robot

Building off the success of operating the servos, we were able to begin constructing our first robot. First, we created an invert() function so that we could control the servos simultaneously (since the 0 moved the servo one direction and 180 moved the other direction). Without this important addition, the orientation of the servos opposite to each other would result in the wheels turning in opposite directions. The code base beyond this consisted of turning the servos on and off for various amounts of time so that eventually we were able to draw a figure-8 pattern, nicely encapsulated in our figEight() function. The robot itself consisted of a main plate to which we velcroed our Arduino board and 9V battery, and many screws, nuts, and washers to attach the servos and their wheels.


In this lab we were able to develop a functioning robot that drew out a figure-8 pattern. In the process we learned how to read and write to the pins of our Arduino board, and operate our Parallax servos with success. In future labs, we will make it a point to save our code separately more often so that we can show the exact file that we accomplished the particular task with.

Extra Credit

The Arduino board we used didn't have enough separate 5V pins for our needs, so we soldered a wire to the 5V pin to a small board, from which we were able to solder additional wires to wherever we needed power (primarily the servos). In our final video, you can see a tiny board hanging off the back of the robot!